XExif MM * K ( 1 2 ; i Queen Letizia on her arrival to the audience in which they have received a delegation of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) at the Zarzuela Palace, on March 13, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). CERMI is the platform for representation, defense and action of Spanish citizens with disabilities, more than 3.8 million people, plus their families, to advance the recognition of their rights and achieve full citizenship with equal rights and opportunities with the rest of the components of society. Photo by Antonio Gutierrez/Europa Press/Abaca/Sipa USA H H MomaPIX 6.0 2024:03:15 16:18:16 0210 0100
Europa Press/Abaca/Sipa USA
Sipa USA
Royals In Audience CERMI Delegation - Madrid
*** US and Limited Foreign Rights ***
MomaPIX 6.0
Royals In Audience CERMI Deleg
Queen Letizia on her arrival to the audience in which they have received a delegation of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) at the Zarzuela Palace, on March 13, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). CERMI is the platform for representation, defense and action of Spanish citizens with disabilities, more than 3.8 million people, plus their families, to advance the recognition of their rights and achieve full citizenship with equal rights and opportunities with the rest of the components of society. Photo by Antonio Gutierrez/Europa Press/Abaca/Sipa USA
Photoshop 3.0 8BIM
8BIM [Z %G xJQueen Letizia on her arrival to the audience in which they have received a delegation of the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) at the Zarzuela Palace, on March 13, 2024, in Madrid (Spain). CERMI is the platform for representation, defense and action of Spanish citizens with disabilities, more than 3.8 million people, plus their families, to advance the recognition of their rights and achieve full citizenship with equal rights and opportunities with the rest of the components of society. Photo by Antonio Gutierrez/Europa Press/Abaca/Sipa USAi ,Royals In Audience CERMI Delegation - Madrid( %*** US and Limited Foreign Rights ***n Europa Press/Abaca/Sipa USAs Sipa USA Royals In Audience CERMI Deleg7 20240313Z Madride Spain DTR
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