Exif MM * n r z( 1 i (left to right) The Princess of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, the Prince of Wales, and Prince George attending the Christmas Day morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk. Picture date: Wednesday December 25, 2024. H H MomaPIX Metadata Editor 7.1d 0210 0100
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(left to right) The Princess of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, the Prince of Wales, and Prince George attending the Christmas Day morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk. Picture date: Wednesday December 25, 2024.
kate catherine
PA Images
MomaPIX Metadata Editor 7.1d
Photoshop 3.0 8BIM v DTR kate catherine royal royalty sandringham william7 20241225n PA Imagesx(left to right) The Princess of Wales, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, the Prince of Wales, and Prince George attending the Christmas Day morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, Norfolk. Picture date: Wednesday December 25, 2024. C
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