Exif II*
( 1 2 ; ! ! i $ Brigitte Macron at the head of States partner's Luncheon that attended the celebration of the centenial of the armistice of November 11 at Chateau de Versailles near Paris
Photos: Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo
Melania Trump NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D4S , , MomaPIX Metadata Editor 7.1d 2018:11:11 19:21:49 Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo (
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Brigitte Macron at the head of States partner's Luncheon that attended the celebration of the centenial of the armistice of November 11 at Chateau de Versailles near Paris
Photos: Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo
Melania Trump
Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo
Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo
Brigitte Macron at the head of States partner's Luncheon that attended the celebration of the centenial of the armistice of November 11 at Chateau de Versailles near Paris
MomaPIX Metadata Editor 7.1d
>Photoshop 3.0 8BIM "
595411_046 CLB7 20181111Z Parise Francei Brigitte Macron at the head of States partner's Luncheon that attended the celebration of the centenial of the armistice of November 11 at Chateau de Versailles near Parisn Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photot Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photox Brigitte Macron at the head of States partner's Luncheon that attended the celebration of the centenial of the armistice of November 11 at Chateau de Versailles near Paris
Photos: Fabien Klotchkoff/ E Press Photo
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